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RLI NEA presents its two special awards during our Zoom Annual Meeting on September 17
Michael Carrier Wins RLI NEA's Outstanding Facilitator Award
PRIFD Michael McGovern Receives the Yvette Palmer Award
During our Zoomed Annual Meeting on September 17th, PDG Norma Madayag-Reilly, this year's Awards Chair, announced this year's special winners.
The first award presented was to Michael Carrier, as the winner of this year's Outstanding Facilitator of the Year Award. Vice-Chair Elizabeth Cullen, who nominated Mike, noted that:
- Mike was always prepared for his sessions and was familiar with all parts of the RLI Curriculum.
- Liz noted that she has seen Mike in action and he gets everyone enthusiastically involved. Participants loved Mike's enthusiasm for Rotary.
- Mike used Power Point to emphasize discussion topics and his participants found his handouts helpful as well. Several participants noted that they had great discussions and learned all about Rotary, and that Mike gave great examples of what other clubs do.
- Mike was a great team player, attending all five pre-RLI meetings, even when he had to drive long distances.
- Demonstrating innovative techniques for learning and computer skills where applicable, including camera readiness and virtual adaptability with breakout rooms
- Receiving positive evaluations from class participants.
Our second award, the Yvette M. Palmer Award for Exceptional Service to Rotary Leadership Institute, was awarded to Past Rotary Director Michael McGovern, who served as our keynote speaker at our 2022 RLI NEA Annual Meeting.
PDG Toni McAndrew nominated Mike for this year's award, saying, "Michael has been active in RLI for over 20 years. Initially, he was recognized as an outstanding local and Zone-wide facilitator and then as Chair of RLI NEA. He currently holds the position of Chair of RLI International, taking over the role when the founder David Linett chose to step aside. Mike has been an avid RLI promoter on all levels, including manning the RLI booth at numerous International Rotary Conventions. In all these years, Mike has never been recognized for his efforts, probably because he was always in the forefront of other RI responsibilities, such as RI Director, RI Vice President and then his current position as International Polio Eradication Chair. He has always had a sweet spot for RLI as demonstrated by his involvement in so many aspects of its history.
Announcing our RLI NEA Graduate Course for 2024-25: Capturing the Value of your Impact
This year's Rotary Leadership Institute Northeast America's Graduate Course will focus on Capturing the Value of your Impact.
Each year, RLI NEA offers a different Graduate Course, open to anyone who has completed RLI Levels I, II and III. Even if you have attended a Graduate Course before, qualified Rotarians can take this new course.
Created by PDG Bill Gormont, our RLI NEA Executive Director Deb Glisson, and PDG Norma Madayag-Reilly, the six-hour course will examine what is needed for Rotary projects to make a positive impact, how to deal with the process of change, and recognizing and managing conflict.
During the Annual Meeting, PDG Bill Gormont talked about the objectives of the course, that is, to provide participants with the knowledge, tools, resources, skills, ideas, and connections to effectively:
• Focus on increasing our positive impact
• Explore the measurement of impact both quantitatively and qualitatively
• Discuss the effect of change and conflict on the process of increasing positive impact on the
world around us.
Gormont broke down the meaning of the word IMPACT that will be covered:
- Impressions
- Personality
- Attitude
- Communication
- Teamwork
The course will launch on September 28th at our first RLI NEA session of this year in Verona, NY. Scroll below to register or get more information about this course.
To view the Power Point presented by PDG Bill Gormont, click here: Power Point on the RLI NEA Graduate Course